Dance isn't what I do it's what I am
Welcome to my website. My name is Marleen Hamer I was born in 1968, Hengelo, The Netherlands.
Im dancing since I was 4 years old, I started with classical ballet, drama and singing classes at a local balletschool (Hengelose Balletschool Morgenstond).
At the age of 10 I took daily dance classes for next 5 years in Pre training studie at the Conservatoire (Twents Conservatorium).
When I was 16 years old I went to the University of the arts in Arnhem (Artez) to studie Dance. In 1990 I got my bachelor. I'm a full time dance teacher and choreographer since.
2022 certificate: "peuterdans" (toddlerdance)& "Taaldans en rekendans" voor het basisonderwijs en kinderdagverblijf. (languagedance and calculate dance for primary education)
Dance means everything to me, especially since I was diagnosed with MS in 1991. Dancing gives me controle over my body in a certain way. Every day I feel so lucky I still can do the job of my dreams.
In the few hours left beside dancing I love to spend my freetime with my husband and our dog Truus, reading a lot of books/comics, watching movies, playing MMO games and Zelda on Nintendo. I Love to listening to music, visiting concerts, theater and museums. And Traveling all over the world.

2019 Japan and Iceland